Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Non-Commutative Geometry, December 4 - 8, 2023, The Fields Institute

This workshop will explore current themes in noncommutative geometry, including topics that lie at the interfaces of noncommutative geometry with Riemannian geometry, sub-Riemannian geometry, mathematical physics, random matrix theory, representation theory, cyclic homology, number theory and arithmetic geometry. The workshop will feature Alain Connes' series of 3 Coxeter Lectures with the title From rings of operators to noncommutative geometry, as well as a minicourse of 3 lectures by Eckhard Meinrenken on Symplectic geometry of the moduli space of hyperbolic 0-metrics. In addition to plenary talks, time will be reserved early in the week for contributions from graduate students and other beginning researchers.

Some funding has been set aside to provide (modest) travel grants to young researchers who wish to participate in the meeting. Those seeking such funding should contact the organizers as soon as possible.

List of Plenary Speakers

  • Paolo Aschieri, University of Piemonte Orientale
  • Branimir Ćaćić, University of New Brunswick
  • Simone Ceccini, Texas A&M University
  • Alain Connes, IHES, Collège de France
  • Caterina Consani, Johns Hopkins University
  • Heath Emerson, University of Victoria
  • Giovanni Landi, Università degli Studi di Trieste
  • Eckhard Meinrenken, University of Toronto
  • Omar Mohsen, Université Paris-Saclay
  • Henri Moscovici, Ohio State University
  • Markus Pflaum, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Yanli Song, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Karen Strung, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Xiang Tang, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Boris Tsygan, Northwestern University
  • Raimar Wulkenhaar, University of Münster
  • Guoliang Yu, Texas A&M University

 List of Short Talk Speakers

  • Michael Francis, University of Western Ontario
  • Magnus Fries, Lund University
  • Satwata Hans, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Daniel Hudson, University of Toronto
  • Roberta Iseppi, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  • Evelyn Lira-Torres, Queen Mary University of London
  • Kameron T. McCombs, Dartmouth College
  • Nathan Pagliaroli, University of Western Ontario
  • Damien Tageddine, McGill University
  • Luuk Verhoeven, University of Western Ontario

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Position in NCG and Physics

The University of New Mexico is seeking a postdoctoral fellow with research experience in some area of C*-algebras that is connected to current research in topological physics.  This included many areas within NCG.

Here is the full advertisement:

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Noncommutative Geometry meets Topological Recursion (3)

 After two earlier meetings with a similar theme in Muenster  and London, Ontario, we are pleased to announce the third meeting to take place at Erwin Schroedinger Institute in Vienna in late April 2023. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

MPI Homage


The Max Planck Institute held this week a special event that officially closed down Manin's Seminar, after its continued existence since 1969, first in Moscow and then in Bonn. The event hosted a brief overview by Misha Kapranov on the history of the seminar, followed by two lectures, one by Don Zagier and one by myself. The videos of the lectures are available at this link:

Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics: A Homage


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Мир без тебя

 Юрий Иванович Манин (1937-2023)
